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23 nov. 2023



CoGig and Womengineer collaborate to promote equality and diversity in engineering education and the business world. Our shared goal is to inspire and support women and non-binary people throughout their journey to becoming and then working as engineers, from teenagers considering an engineering degree to working engineers.
We are a recruitment company that runs the three talent programs Female Leader Engineer, Female Tech Engineer and Female Technical Engineer, with the aim of supporting female and non-binary engineering students who are already on their way to a promising career in the world of technology. Our mission is to maximize participants' potential while our goal is to provide these students with the tools and networks they need to succeed in an industry that has historically been dominated by men.
Womengineer focuses on getting more women and non-binary people into engineering by introducing teenagers to the opportunities available to engineers. The foundation's mission is to spark interest and enthusiasm for technology and the engineering profession among young women and non-binary people. Through educational programs and inspiring initiatives, Womengineer strives to increase the number of female and non-binary applicants to engineering degrees, thereby increasing diversity in the technology industry in the long term. Through their Introduce a Girl to Engineering day (IGE-day) event, Womengineer enables teenagers to explore their interest in engineering even before it's time to apply for high school and university education.
The collaboration that has now begun between us at CoGig and Womengineer involves a joint effort to cover the entire spectrum of a person's journey from choosing an engineering education to then working as an engineer. Through this, we hope to create a more inclusive and diversified engineering industry.
In Sweden today there are around 300,000 girls and non-binary between the ages of 13-19. The Womengineer Foundation dreams that every single one of them should have the self-confidence and knowledge to be able to choose their own future. Through the Introduce a Girl to Engineering day (IGEday) event, Womengineer makes it possible for thousands of these teenagers to visit technology companies every year and explore their interest in technology. In addition to IGEday, inspiring content is also created on Instagram, Tiktok and the podcast Womengineer Radio. The final goal is that by 2030 there will be as many female engineers as male graduates, because the world will simply be better if everyone is involved in shaping it.
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