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Not finding the employees the company needs is expensive.


The company may lose revenue due to missed deals, employees who have to do more with less resources, costs of mistakes when employees have too much to do, etc.


Calculations show that a vacant position can cost up to SEK 6,000 per day and for senior key roles the cost can be significantly higher than that.

Often, companies postpone recruitment and start the process in a situation where it has suddenly become urgent. It is better with long-term planning when possible, to avoid vacancies.  

Also make sure to keep the recruitment process short so that you get a new person in place as quickly as possible and minimize the risk of losing candidates along the way.

Sources: Morgan McKinley, Officevibe, CoGig's own research

Do you want to know more about how we recruit women and non-binary engineers?

With a proven recruitment process, we ensure you get the best possible candidates available who will thrive and stay. We search in our own network, on LinkedIn, via applications and tips.

Do you want to create a wider pipeline of women and non-binary candidates in the longer term?

Then CONNECT might be something for you. A tailor-made event just for your company where we handpick a number of candidates with the profile you desire and you get to meet them in an informal context.

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